Would you like some information about starting a NSW Push and Power Rugby League divison in your city?
We can help you get started! Here are the ways you can get involved with the NSWPNPRL and the benefits:
Benefits of Being a Division in the NSWPNPRL
Start Up Help
Finding a venue
Recruiting volunteers and players
Attracting sponsorship and funding
Charitable Registration
The ability to write tax receipts for charitable donations
Tax returns and financial accounting prepared by a CA at no cost to the division
The ability to fundraise under the name of a reputable, incorporated charity
Directors and Officers
Website & Cup Championship
Each division will have their own section on the official website created at no charge to the division
Played every other year in alternating divisions
Conference call meetings to discuss issues and ideas
National Fundraising Strategies now Possible
If you already have an established and registered NSW Push and Power Rugby League program then you might be interested in becoming an Affiliate Division.
Benefits of being an Affiliate Division
General Marketing and PR
Affiliates would benefit from the use of our name and affiliate logo
Resource for information and communications
Each affiliate division will have a link to their website from the NSWPNPRL site
Cup Championship
Affiliate divisions will be invited to participate in the Cup that takes place every other year in alternating locations
For more information about becoming a Division or Affiliate Division, please EMAIL US ON info@pushnpower.com.au